Friday 24 February 2012

Do not allow a smart meter to be installed!

We were approached here in Wellington, New Zealand to have our meter replaced with a ‘smart meter’ - so watch out!

Max Mogren

Here on the West Coast of North America, there is a big public backlash against "SMART METERS" which utility companies across the continent and in several other countries have been implementing rapidly.  I just got off the phone with a friend in Maine and his "SMART METER" was installed two weeks ago.  I see these "SMART METERS" popping up on businesses and homes in my area, and thus I began to wonder what all the fuss was about. 

There are roadside signs all over Sonoma County declaring: "REFUSE SMART METER" and articles in the local paper say they're not safe which leads me to believe there's something fishy about all this.

While Obama promises "more jobs" and "economic recovery", these "SMART METERS" are being manufactured overseas and implemented at the expense of our growing trade deficit.

Meanwhile, across the country thousands of Meter Readers are being laid off, replaced by a wireless network proven to emit dangerous amounts of RF radiation far in excess to what "SMART METER" manufacturers, utility companies, and TPTB are claiming.

It turns out these "SMART METER"s do a lot more than just bombard you with radiation.

Each "SMART METER" is a surveillance device designed to monitor each customer's energy consumption behavior: using technology perfected decades ago for monitoring industrial processes, your  "SMART METER" can tell what appliances you're using, when you use them, and more.

These "SMART METERS" also emits biologically destructive "pulsed" radiation linked to Cancer, Depression and other diseases.  

As if all that wasn't bad enough, and perhaps not suprising, these "SMART METERS" are being installed covertly and with no consent.  This is UNLAWFUL because your power company has no easement (rightful access) to install an Police State control device on your home.

Do not sucker for costly "Opt-Out" programs. IT'S EXTORTION!

Utility companies have blind-sided their customers with digital meters that are harmful, dangerous, invasive and unlawful. Here are some ways for utility customers to protect themselves. More solutions are available at

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