Thursday 19 June 2014

Holding one's moral position

I thereby proclaim my own self-imposed FB silence or "ban" on myself --initially, for a week from today 12 EST. During this vow of silence I hope that I will have a chance to return to my own life. Enough said”.
---Vladimir Suchan

Putin and Ukraine – Vladimir Suchan sums up

Via Facebook

Unfortunately, it has come down to deciding between supporting Putin and "following the leader," on the one hand, and supporting millions of the ethnic Russians in Ukraine who refused to be under the dictatorship of anti-Russian Nazism (Banderism) and then, rather sooner than later, used, mobilized, and conscripted against Russia just like so many other Ukrainians are now being used against them.

In this regard, also something significant happened, and, as Val Eisman put it, Putin's position is "clear" ... To be fair, Putin's previous deliberate temporizing and the change or loss of his heart is now and only now becoming tragically clear.

Val's statements are in this regard of fundamental importance for they do help dispel the clouds of departing ambiguity and they help clear things up. Below all sentences in quotation marks are hers taken from a thread below on my timeline.

"Putin hasn't been clear. He has been very clear. he asked the separatists to delay a referendum on May 6th of this year." In other words, Putin "clearly" asked the Russians who rose up against the junta and fascism in defense of themselves and Russia itself to bow down and shut up ... for, more and more clearly, he decided to write them off as a cost of appeasement, which is just a pipe dream for the junta is mobilizing all it can against Russia and the Russians anyhow. With all US and NATO help.

"They ignored Putin and now they want him to rescue them although they didn't coordinate their actions with Putin and Russia. This placed the civilians in greater harm by moving ahead not only with secession but with military action without Russia's agreement."

Millions of Russians clearly understand fascism and the anti-Russian plan much better than Putin and his own oligarchic milieu and they dared to go ahead without expecting that Putin would covertly make a 180 degree turn. Now Putin's friends are blaming them--well for Putin's turn. The error of these people is trusting that Putin would do what is morally right and politically necessary. They failed to understand that when Putin asked them to delay the vote, he was saying that he changed him mind and signed them away and with it himself as a leader.

"Did Putin change his position? Yes. he had to because of the threat of 
sanctions ..."

For Russian oligarchs sanctions are horrible. Much worse than the killing and terror inflicted on the millions of Russians in Ukraine, much worse than a moral surrender of Russia even before the Ukrainian army and its fascist paramilitaries move on Russia itself.

"[This] changed after April 24 when he stated Russia reserved the right to intervene ..."

Losing Novorossiya means to lose sooner or later Crimea, and Putin's inaction makes the war against Russia much more likely. Putin's aid to Novorossiya would have prevented the coming big war.

Everyone now sees that, under the junta, Ukraine is now quickly turning to war footing and mobilizing--but not just against anyone who is against the junta, fascism, Banderism, and NATO, but also against Russia, and the US and NATO are clear that the junta's cause against Crimea is in their eyes just, Poroshenko himself declared the return of Crimea the main objective of his government, and, sooner or later, after pacifying the east, the junta will throw all it has against Crimea. At that moment, NATO will step in and declare war on Russia.

One of the worst things one can do is to surrender one's moral position in the face of advancing fascism ... in order to hold on false promises and bargains which the Empire never keeps.

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